Products and Services

We represent many of the vacuum industry leaders through JB Technical.

Vacuum pumps & components


INFICON - Full line of Capacitance Diaphragm Gauges, Pirani Gauges, Hot Cathode Gauges and Controllers.  MPS/MPH Transpector Residual Gas Analyzers, UL 1000 Helium Leak Detectors, Arc Detection Sensors.


EDWARDS VACUUM- IVS Division provides vacuum pump rebuilds for all Edwards vacuum pumps and all major vacuum pump brands. Exchange services for Edwards Certified rebuilt vacuum pumps. Precision Plus vacuum pump rebuild kits and all vacuum pump fluids hydrocarbon & PFPE fluids.

EDWARDS VACUUM- CTI CRYOGENICS Division- Cryo-Torr pumps & compressors, On Board Cryopumps and compressors for automated operation for pump regenerations. New IS-Series for intelligent closed loop control between the IS-Series pumps and the IS-2000V & IS-1000 compressors. Frequency Inverter technology allows for helium gas management between the pump and compressor and significant electrical usage as the pumps and compressors reduced cycle times. Increased MTTR due to reduced cycle life.

KYOCERA - High vacuum Electrical Feed-throughs custom and standard Coaxial, BNC, SHV, MHV and additional custom configurations.


Sputter guns & evaporative sources & controllers

MeiVac, Inc. - MAK Series RF & DC Sputtering sources and power supplies.  EVAP Series of Single & Multipocket E-Beam sources, E-Beam power supplies & E-Beam sweep controllers.

Wet Process

MicroTech Systems - Fully Automated, Semi-Automated & Manual wet process stations for etch, surface prep and substrate cleans.  Bulk Chemical Delivery Systems.  General Cleanroom Cabinets and Cleanroom custom components.

Gas Analysis


INFICON - Transpector MPS & MPH Series Residual Gas Analyzers.  RF & DC Arc Detection Sensors.  Binary Gas Concentration Monitors.

Thin Film Quartz Crystal Monitors and Controller

Industry leader in Quartz Crystal Monitors and Controllers for thin film deposition control.  Provider for all sensor heads, quartz crystals and accessories.

Helium Leak Detectors

UL 1000 for high sensitivity mobile Helium leak detection and UL 1000 FAB for clean room leak detection requirements.

CHLD system for ultra high leak detection for hermetically sealed packaging.

Cryogenic Research Systems

Below 4K to 1000K closed cycle Helium cryostats with custom interfaces for various experiments.  Open cycle designs available.  Stinger Systems design provides a mobile closed cycle cryostat system below 4K to 1000K designed to replace LH2 Systems.